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Thanksgiving Giveaways!

Writer: JessicaJessica

Happy Thanksgiving Giveaways
Image by Biljana Jovanovic from Pixabay

When Kevin and I started our channel back in January of 2018 I had no idea that just sharing our experiences living and healing from various chronic illnesses would touch so many people's hearts. We also wanted to ensure that people would find comfort and solace in knowing that they were not alone. What first started out as a simple creative outlet for myself to share all of the things that we have both learned over the years, soon turned into a loving community and for the first time in my life I felt like something I was doing could potentially make a difference in this world.

The fact that this channel blew up and branched out as quickly as it did wasn't something I planned for but it was definitely something I have been working toward my entire life and didn't even know it.

I've worked in the corporate world, had the fancy office job, gadgets, long lunch meetings, company cars, comfortable hours, a reliable weekly paycheck, and even the fancy condo in the city. Many would say I was pretty darn successful and accomplished and all before my 26th birthday. Then the worst thing that could have happened or at least what I thought at the time was the worst thing, actually did happen and I got really sick. If that wasn't bad enough, Kevin fell ill shortly after that and the lives we had worked so hard for came crashing down all around us. For the sake of not sounding repetitive the rest of our story can be found on our YouTube channel.

However, even though I had all that STUFF, when I look back on it now I still wasn't happy. I didn't love my life, I didn't like my job(s), I hated getting up early where I had to rush out immediately and get into a car where I was stuck in ridiculous rush hour traffic. I did all of this only to arrive at an office filled with dismal lighting, green walls, and the constant politics and drama of EVERY office environment!

Image by Pedro Figueras from Pixabay

To make a very long story short, I basically pretty much hated, ok hated is a strong word so let me rephrase that. I basically disliked all of my office jobs and to this day I truly believe a lot of what has happened to me next in my life was partially linked to how unhappy and stressed I was in my prior positions to sustain what most of us define as success. I think that is most of our problems, not the only problem of course but definitely a contributor to why so many of us get sick and stay sick in the first place. By sick I mean your mental health and happiness would fall under this category as well

In my opinion it isn't possible to be healthy and unhappy at the same time. It's also not possible to be unhealthy and happy at the same time either. That is something that took me over a decade and having to get super sick and struggling to save my OWN LIFE to realize what it truly means to be successful, and success my friends is not about how much money you make, or owning a fancy car. Success is being healthy, and being completely healthy in your mind, body and spirit is where true happiness lies.

It wasn't until a few years ago now that I realized that if I wanted to reverse my illness, I had to change the things, people, places but most importantly my belief systems about success. This was keeping me trapped in a world where I just couldn't be happy no matter how hard I tried! Like I said before, if you are not happy then there is no way on this God-given planet that you are going to be healthy or heal from a chronic illness for that matter. Once I realized that, my intuition opened up and naturally the ways to heal my body just came to me.

I know you've heard this cheesy line before but I'm going to say it anyway, "Happiness is the key to success!"

When you can find that, everything else will follow. You just have to trust the process.

On that note, I just wanted to say that I am so grateful to each and everyone of you who have been following and supporting us from the beginning and to those of you who have just joined our community. Without all of you none of this would have been possible and it was through you that we were inspired to keep going even when things got tough. So thank you from the bottom of our hearts, we appreciate each and every one of you and with your help I can honestly say I now know what the true definition of success really means.

In light of Thanksgiving and to show our gratitude for those of you who continue to support us I am proud to announce that, our NEW recommendations page on our website is now up and running!

I've already completed three of the subcategories so please feel free to browse through them and as time goes by I'll continue to add more to my lists. I have about 15 years worth of stuff that I'd like to share with all of you and I am creating these lists in order to make our and your lives a little easier by posting all of this information in one easily accessible spot.

As mentioned in our previous blog post, we are now working with several affiliate companies as well, all of which carry products that we have used ourselves and are proud to recommend. 👍👍



To show our appreciation and give back to our community we have

decided that we will be giving three prizes away to three subscribers who browse and purchase something through one of our affiliate links under our NEW recommendations pages. Each giveaway will total $20-$25 which will be provided to the winners either in the form of an amazon gift card, or provide products or services equivalent in value. In order to be eligible for this giveaway here are the following requirements:


You must place an eligible order through one of our qualifying affiliate links on our website through, "Our Recommendations" page. The following is a list of eligible affiliates:


TouchStone Essentials

Amazon Canada

Amazon USA

If the link that you use takes you to another website that is not listed up above then that link is being provided solely for your convenience and is NOT one of our affiliates. Therefore, that product WILL NOT be eligible for this giveaway. Equally, you must use the affiliate information provided in order for the company to track your order under us. Please be sure to use whatever information is provided and that may also even make you eligible to receive an additional discount toward your purchase.


You must subscribe to this blog here and also be subscribed to our YouTube Channel as well.


Once you have placed your order, shoot us a quick email to let us know that you placed your order and title it, "DONE" so that we don't overlook your entry.


Now you wait!


All eligible participants will be entered into a random draw and three names will be pulled on November 13th, 2019. Kevin and I may even do a quick video to announce the winners.

Those three individuals along with all the other participants will later be reentered into another giveaway but that PRIZE will be much grander and we will continue to accept participants until our YouTube channel reaches three thousand subscribers. Now that giveaway will be HUGE!

I'm hoping to reach 3,000 subscribers before Christmas because how fun would it be to do a huge giveaway at that time of the year!

Good Luck Everyone & Happy Thanksgiving!

Jessica ❤️❤️❤️



416-464-6412 for appointments ONLY

Mississauga, Ontario


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Sunday-Monday: Closed

Tuesday-Friday: 11:00am-7:00pm

Saturday: 10:00am-6:00pm


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©2018-2022 by The Healing Hands Duo

Terms & Conditions ~ Privacy Policy ~ Return Policy ~ Late & Cancellation Policy

The equipment and supplements contained within this website/email/post or description are for experimental purposes only and is not intended to replace or substitute the care and/or services of a physician or other health care professional. These products/services are not to be used to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any symptom, illness or disease, which should come under the direction and supervision of your health care practitioner. Information and statements made about any and all products/services within this website/email/post or description are for educational purposes only and are not intended to replace the advice of your health care practitioner. Each individual’s success depends on his or her wellness and environmental history, background, dedication, desire & motivation, attitude, & continued cooperation. As all wellness issues have inherent risk, our information & testimonials are not intended to infer or guarantee that anyone will achieve any result with any/all wellness issue(s). symptom(s), or diagnosis. This information has not been evaluated by Health Canada & the Food & Drug Administration. Neither the information, nor any technologies, formula(s), protocol(s) or supplement(s) mentioned here or throughout this website are intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. This information is based upon our own personal experience(s) and independent research and it is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY, however we are not certified health care practitioners and therefore, cannot and will not provide any direct or indirect medical advice, so please see a health care practitioner if you should have any health questions or concerns. The Healing Hands Duo, aka Jessica & Kevin, will not be held responsible or accountable for any typographical errors or machine/service sessions or product formulation changes made by the manufactures. We strongly encourage you to seek the advice of a professional practitioner whenever starting any new wellness regime and to monitor your progress. Unless otherwise noted, information herein has not been evaluated by Health Canada or the US Food & Drug Administration (FDA).

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