Super Sauna Photon Genius 10 Sessions
10 (Ten) 30min Photon Genius Sessions ($550 Package, Advanced Users)
Service Description
10 (Ten) 30 min. Photon Genius Sessions. When you purchase this package you save $10.00 per session! The total cost of this package is $550. This package also includes the use of several spa towels, filtered/structured water during and after your sessions, a few drops of liquid zeolites to help eliminate toxins that may be released during your session, a packet of Liposomal Vitamin C to help lessen a potential detox reaction and to help support 50 different detoxification pathways. A complimentary shower if needed to wash off that toxic sweat after your sessions, a grounding mat, relaxing music or audio meditation is provided within a fully nnEMF remediated studio space. It's time to see the light! For full information on what the Super Sauna Photon Genius' benefits are, please refer to the subheading under our "MORE" tab listed as, Our Equipment. To book your session package please email us directly for availability. Again, all the information that is listed under the First Time Membership Package also applies here. Thank You! "Some people report a sense of well-being, energy, relaxation, better sleep and even less pain after their very first session. However, there are no guarantees because everyone is different and may require a different amount of time to experience the desired results. For others a period of detoxification, better known as a healing crisis or a herxheimer reaction (please refer to our subheading under our "MORE" tab called, What Is A Herxheimer Reaction for further information and what to expect if it should occur) may take place during your first several sessions as this machine is very powerful for pulling out toxins and devitalizing pathogens within the body. If this should occur and based on your current wellness condition(s), a worsening of your current symptoms can be expected until the body has time to cleanse itself and readjust to these healing frequencies of heat, sound & light. At least 5-10 sessions are recommended within a reasonable amount of time to see any real benefits. For more pressing conditions at least 15-20 sessions may be required with the additional support of supplements and a lifestyle change in diet, exercise and stress reduction. For extreme cases of infection or other severe conditions, a longer period of time and sessions have been suggested by the manufacturer."

Contact Details
+ 416-464-6412
Mississauga, ON, Canada